Wednesday, February 7, 2018

I Ain't Afraid of No Ghost. Fear Free Veterinary Visits

Dr. Stephanie Waters

Dr. Waters is a Fear Free Certified Veterinarian at Crawford Dog & Cat Hospital.  She has been sharing her expertise, gained through post graduate training to encourage many positive changes for our patients, clients and our staff. Our goal is to use this knowledge to strengthen the human-animal bond.

How is Crawford Dog & Cat Hospital becoming a Fear Free Vet Practice?

Here at Crawford Dog & Cat Hospital, we believe in the Fear Free program as a way to alleviate anxiety, stress and pain in our patients and clients. In addition to our Fear Free appointments, our goals are to help educate and inspire owners to look after their pets’ wellbeing, both in and out of the home  as a way to encourage long, happy and healthy lives.

Some of the steps we have taken include:
-      Variety of delicious treats and toys throughout the appointment (Please tell us if anyone in the home has peanut allergies)
-      Non slip surfaces on the exam tables
-      “Go slow” techniques to build confidence in patients
-      Anxiety medications; long term or short term for stressful events as needed
-      Sheets to cover cat carriers while in the waiting room and towels for hiding during exams or procedures

-      Feline Only appointments on Thursday evenings (as a way to reduce any noise, such as barking dogs, within the practice)
-      House call appointments
-      Soft toned music if needed
-      Basket muzzles that can allow for feeding while encouraging safety for our staff
-      Behavioral modification suggestions for reducing anxiety at home because our office is not the only place that pets have anxiety
-      Resources of Fear Free Trainers and training equipment for at home support

We take pride in our ability to help improve the experience and health of our patients on a daily basis!

Prepare for your vet visit!

The best way to prepare for your veterinary visit is to take a step back and evaluate your pet. You are the person who knows your pet the best and that can help us to create a low stress and fear free visit!

We encourage owners to call ahead of time if they are concerned about their animal’s behavior while at our vet office or on the care ride over. Preparing for a low stress appointment can be very simple once knowing the triggers.

Does your pet get car-sick? Does he/she not like other animals? Do loud noises tend to make him/her anxious? Does a certain toy or treat make your furry friend happy? If necessary, we can dispense medications to use prior to the appointment to decrease stress.

If you have any other questions or concerns, we encourage you to call and visit Crawford Dog & Cat Hospital! We offer appointments Monday – Saturday, special Feline Only appointments on Thursday evenings and scheduled House Calls.

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