Dr. Sandra Wu
August 22, 2018 is Bring Your Cat to the Vet Day, but “My cat hates going to the vet, she seems fine, why should I bother bringing her?”
We all know how much cats hate to travel, but it is essential to your cat's health to make that annual trip for the physical examination. Here are some major reasons why:
- Cats age faster, even than dogs in the first few years. In the first year, cats become 15 in human years; after the 2nd, they are 24 human years. Every year thereafter they gain another 4 years. A lot of changes can happen over these years. Annual examinations help us to detect changes and provide preventative care.
- Cats are survivors who know how to mask disease and pain until they are so far gone, it makes it difficult for anyone to help them. By bringing them in routinely, we can examine and evaluate them for earlier signs of disease. By detecting diseases earlier, we have a much better chance at helping them.
- They are not just “fluffy.” More than 50% of cats are overweight, which puts them at risk for diabetes, heart, kidney and lung disease. We can help regulate a diet and exercise plan to keep your kitty from becoming a statistic.
- Adult cats have 30 teeth that most owners never brush. And those mouths get gingivitis and cavities that can be so painful, their teeth chatter when we touch them. Let us check out those teeth and make plans to keep them healthy.
So how do I get unwilling “Fluffy” to the office?
- Get a carrier that feels safe - a hard-sided carrier with top and front doors that can have the top removed. Try stuffing your cat into a tiny carrier door and you'll understand why it's nice to have the top hatch through which you can lower her into the carrier. Being able to lift the top off at the office so she can still hide in the towels make her feel safe.
- Leave the carrier out for a week before using it so your cat can get used to the smell. You can place treats in the carrier so he associates good things with it. He may even climb in it to check it out on his own, it makes a nice hidey-hole!
- If your cat is a bit resistant or aggressive about getting into the carrier, we can occasionally provide medicine or recommend products like Feliway to calm him down before coming. Call us for sugggestions.
- And if all else fails and there is no way you're getting your cat to come into the office, we also do housecalls! Call us to set up an appointment for a doctor to make the trip to your cat instead.
Call us to schedule an appointment or request an appointment on line. We are working on special offers for this event, so stay tuned to Facebook and check your e mail for details.