Sunday, January 11, 2015

So, I was sitting on the couch after an abbreviated walk on the frozen tundra of the boardwalk in Long Beach and I decided I would surf the net for a while. Not surprising as this is one of my favorite ways to waste time.

I was shocked by a few things that I found. The first was an old blog really old blog, that it had last posted to about 4 years ago.  Much to my chagrin, I could not access it and it took the better part of an hour to figure out that I would never be able to. So, here is the link.

The second shock was how difficult it was to establish a new blog. I think I have succeeded but we'll have to see how this turns out. The content is my responsibility, the format is Google's.  Speaking of Google, what the heck is up with Google +?  I think that I was able to establish a page for each of our three practices, but once again, only time will tell.

Not one for New Year's resolutions, I figured I would fall into the trap for 2015 and resolve to resurrect my blog in this format. However, before investing too much time and effort with content, I want to see how the mechanics of this platform will work. It would also be nice to know that I can get someone to read it.

Having said that, this is sort of a test.  I'll set the blog up, play with the platform, try to let people know where it is, and gradually add content.  Oh, and pictures. I'll try to post pictures and make the whole thing look good as well.

Brief post script. I tried to post a picture from my I pad and Blogger gave me a bunch of options that made no sense to me. Then I panicked because I thought the post had disappeared. I have to say that I am less than optimistic that this old dog can learn a new trick.  Stay tuned.

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