Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Covid-19 A Veterinary Journal (3)

Our team is back in the hospital after just one day off.  Fortunately, Dr. Waters’ team is scheduled to return to work tomorrow and we will all be back on the regular rotation.  This morning was very busy in the office with several pets needing updates of essential vaccines (Rabies and leptospirosis).  In addition, we agreed to see two emergencies from a practice in the area that did not have the capabilities to help the patients due to the ongoing pandemic.  We are glad that we are here and able to support our colleagues and help them to care for their patients.  One pet had advanced cancer and was humanely euthanized.  This was very sad for all of us and even though we allowed the owners to be present for the procedure.  Distancing protocols and masks and gowns make the experience difficult for all.  The second case was admitted to the hospital for support and diagnostics. Blood work is being run in house, fluids are being administered via an IV catheter and   we will have our ultrasound doctor come in tomorrow to evaluate his abdomen.
We have two feral cats in today for part of our TNR program. They will be spayed or neutered and released back to their colonies once they have fully recovered.  Since the feral cat population is expanding rapidly this year due t the mild winter, we really feel that this service is essential if we are to ever get a handle on this problem.  Fortunately, we can admit these pets, perform the surgery, and get them back to the organizations that brought them in with little interpersonal contact and therefore very little corona virus exposure risk to our staff.

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